
Been playing guitar for about 5 years now. After a failed attempt in high school I hadn't touched the guitar, but I started again when I was at UCSC and just wanted something to do instead of studying.

My first guitar. This was my Grandfather's nylon accoustic. My Grandmother gave it to me when I first mentioned that I wanted to learn. In the spring of 2002 I brought the guitar back to the dorms with me and started practicing. Been playing casually ever since.

My Ibanez electric. This is an Ibanez S470DX with the natural quilted maple color. I had been wanting to purchase an electric for a while, and one day was wandering through a small guitar shop in Santa Cruz. Hidden in one of the racks was this beautiful sleek guitar. At the time I didn't have the money to afford it. But I knew it was the one for me. A few months later I was living in Los Angeles, now having the cash I set out to find my guitar. I drove to about 10 different guitar stores around LA before I nearly gave up. That was last years model and no one had the natural colored one. Finally talking to the guys at Guitar Center they said it might be possible to order it directly from the manufacturer. We did and after a month and a half they called me up and said "we have you guitar". I practically flew to the store and nabbed that factory fresh electric.

My amp. This is a Line6 Spider II 212. That means it has 2 12inch speakers. Each puts out 75watts of power. As you can see from the pic I have hard wood floors in the house. This means no carpet sound dampening. Thus I don't think I've ever turned the main volume above about 4. Usually the main volume sits at a comfortable 1 and I use my floor board pedal to control the channel volume. This is way overkill for my needs and I probably should have gone for the modest 112 instead, but damn if it isn't fun to make the walls shake.